Looking for High-Performance Preparative Purification (with Reduced Capital Investment) Using Medium-To-Low Pressure Equipment

To companies looking for high-performance preparative purification (with reduced capital investment) using medium-to-low pressure equipment;

“DualPore™” is a new porous material (patented) with a unique 3D structure. The first practical example, “DualPore™ Silica,” enhances hydrodynamic performance with 2-stage pores of “through holes + pores”.

Strength of DualPore™

DualPore™ Flash columns can be attached to medium-to-low pressure flash chromatography instruments of various companies currently used in the market. DualPore™ particle sizes come in 30 μm and 50 μm, and various column sizes from approximately 100 to 600 mL.
ODS and SIL also support a wide range of samples.
Please consider using DualPore™ to your advantage.



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